Online preparation for international volunteering

The iPrepare project


Volunteering programmes of the EU (European Solidarity Corps volunteering and its predecessors: Erasmus+ volunteering and EVS) involve the transnational mobility of thousands young people year by year. We have targeted these volunteers and their supporting organisations (SO-s) offering them an on-line pre-departure preparation tool, increasing this way quality in volunteering projects. The tool integrates but doesn't substitute the off-line preparation offered by SO-s.

We have realised the tool in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project „i-Prepare” (2017-2-HU01-KA205-036198). The project team has been composed of 3 organisations: Egyesek Youth Association from Hungary (Gabriella Nagy and Tamás Mahner), Xena Centro Scambi e Dinamiche Interculturali from Italy (Anna Di Muro and Emiliano Bon) and Cia Cekija from Czechia (Helena Koskova and Jan Latal). The project period has been November 2017 - September 2019.

We would like to thank all who have contributed to the realisation of the tool, especially our testers: Rokan Baysal, Štěpán Bezouška, Francesca Caltran, Anna Caramel, Clémence Denise, Nicolò Ferrarese, Kata Gáspár, Eleonora Gasparotto, Pavel Macháček, Antonio Stocchi, Vít Votroubek.


To read more about the project click here.

To see the research on EVS preparation needs and practices (2017) underlying the tool click here.



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